Source code for mesa.agent

The agent class for Mesa framework.

Core Objects: Agent

# Mypy; for the `|` operator purpose
# Remove this __future__ import once the oldest supported Python is 3.10
from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import copy
import operator
import warnings
import weakref
from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, MutableSet, Sequence
from random import Random

# mypy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

    # We ensure that these are not imported during runtime to prevent cyclic
    # dependency.
    from mesa.model import Model
    from import Position

[docs] class Agent: """ Base class for a model agent in Mesa. Attributes: unique_id (int): A unique identifier for this agent. model (Model): A reference to the model instance. self.pos: Position | None = None """ def __init__(self, unique_id: int, model: Model) -> None: """ Create a new agent. Args: unique_id (int): A unique identifier for this agent. model (Model): The model instance in which the agent exists. """ self.unique_id = unique_id self.model = model self.pos: Position | None = None # register agent try: self.model.agents_[type(self)][self] = None except AttributeError: # model super has not been called self.model.agents_ = defaultdict(dict) self.model.agents_[type(self)][self] = None self.model.agentset_experimental_warning_given = False warnings.warn( "The Mesa Model class was not initialized. In the future, you need to explicitly initialize the Model by calling super().__init__() on initialization.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, )
[docs] def remove(self) -> None: """Remove and delete the agent from the model.""" with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): self.model.agents_[type(self)].pop(self)
[docs] def step(self) -> None: """A single step of the agent."""
[docs] def advance(self) -> None: pass
@property def random(self) -> Random: return self.model.random
[docs] class AgentSet(MutableSet, Sequence): """ A collection class that represents an ordered set of agents within an agent-based model (ABM). This class extends both MutableSet and Sequence, providing set-like functionality with order preservation and sequence operations. Attributes: model (Model): The ABM model instance to which this AgentSet belongs. Methods: __len__, __iter__, __contains__, select, shuffle, sort, _update, do, get, __getitem__, add, discard, remove, __getstate__, __setstate__, random Note: The AgentSet maintains weak references to agents, allowing for efficient management of agent lifecycles without preventing garbage collection. It is associated with a specific model instance, enabling interactions with the model's environment and other agents.The implementation uses a WeakKeyDictionary to store agents, which means that agents not referenced elsewhere in the program may be automatically removed from the AgentSet. """ agentset_experimental_warning_given = False def __init__(self, agents: Iterable[Agent], model: Model): """ Initializes the AgentSet with a collection of agents and a reference to the model. Args: agents (Iterable[Agent]): An iterable of Agent objects to be included in the set. model (Model): The ABM model instance to which this AgentSet belongs. """ self.model = model self._agents = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary({agent: None for agent in agents}) def __len__(self) -> int: """Return the number of agents in the AgentSet.""" return len(self._agents) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Agent]: """Provide an iterator over the agents in the AgentSet.""" return self._agents.keys() def __contains__(self, agent: Agent) -> bool: """Check if an agent is in the AgentSet. Can be used like `agent in agentset`.""" return agent in self._agents
[docs] def select( self, filter_func: Callable[[Agent], bool] | None = None, n: int = 0, inplace: bool = False, agent_type: type[Agent] | None = None, ) -> AgentSet: """ Select a subset of agents from the AgentSet based on a filter function and/or quantity limit. Args: filter_func (Callable[[Agent], bool], optional): A function that takes an Agent and returns True if the agent should be included in the result. Defaults to None, meaning no filtering is applied. n (int, optional): The number of agents to select. If 0, all matching agents are selected. Defaults to 0. inplace (bool, optional): If True, modifies the current AgentSet; otherwise, returns a new AgentSet. Defaults to False. agent_type (type[Agent], optional): The class type of the agents to select. Defaults to None, meaning no type filtering is applied. Returns: AgentSet: A new AgentSet containing the selected agents, unless inplace is True, in which case the current AgentSet is updated. """ if filter_func is None and agent_type is None and n == 0: return self if inplace else copy.copy(self) def agent_generator(filter_func=None, agent_type=None, n=0): count = 0 for agent in self: if (not filter_func or filter_func(agent)) and ( not agent_type or isinstance(agent, agent_type) ): yield agent count += 1 if 0 < n <= count: break agents = agent_generator(filter_func, agent_type, n) return AgentSet(agents, self.model) if not inplace else self._update(agents)
[docs] def shuffle(self, inplace: bool = False) -> AgentSet: """ Randomly shuffle the order of agents in the AgentSet. Args: inplace (bool, optional): If True, shuffles the agents in the current AgentSet; otherwise, returns a new shuffled AgentSet. Defaults to False. Returns: AgentSet: A shuffled AgentSet. Returns the current AgentSet if inplace is True. Note: Using inplace = True is more performant """ weakrefs = list(self._agents.keyrefs()) self.random.shuffle(weakrefs) if inplace: = {entry: None for entry in weakrefs} return self else: return AgentSet( (agent for ref in weakrefs if (agent := ref()) is not None), self.model )
[docs] def sort( self, key: Callable[[Agent], Any] | str, ascending: bool = False, inplace: bool = False, ) -> AgentSet: """ Sort the agents in the AgentSet based on a specified attribute or custom function. Args: key (Callable[[Agent], Any] | str): A function or attribute name based on which the agents are sorted. ascending (bool, optional): If True, the agents are sorted in ascending order. Defaults to False. inplace (bool, optional): If True, sorts the agents in the current AgentSet; otherwise, returns a new sorted AgentSet. Defaults to False. Returns: AgentSet: A sorted AgentSet. Returns the current AgentSet if inplace is True. """ if isinstance(key, str): key = operator.attrgetter(key) sorted_agents = sorted(self._agents.keys(), key=key, reverse=not ascending) return ( AgentSet(sorted_agents, self.model) if not inplace else self._update(sorted_agents) )
def _update(self, agents: Iterable[Agent]): """Update the AgentSet with a new set of agents. This is a private method primarily used internally by other methods like select, shuffle, and sort. """ self._agents = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary({agent: None for agent in agents}) return self
[docs] def do( self, method_name: str, *args, return_results: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> AgentSet | list[Any]: """ Invoke a method on each agent in the AgentSet. Args: method_name (str): The name of the method to call on each agent. return_results (bool, optional): If True, returns the results of the method calls; otherwise, returns the AgentSet itself. Defaults to False, so you can chain method calls. *args: Variable length argument list passed to the method being called. **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments passed to the method being called. Returns: AgentSet | list[Any]: The results of the method calls if return_results is True, otherwise the AgentSet itself. """ # we iterate over the actual weakref keys and check if weakref is alive before calling the method res = [ getattr(agent, method_name)(*args, **kwargs) for agentref in self._agents.keyrefs() if (agent := agentref()) is not None ] return res if return_results else self
[docs] def get(self, attr_names: str | list[str]) -> list[Any]: """ Retrieve the specified attribute(s) from each agent in the AgentSet. Args: attr_names (str | list[str]): The name(s) of the attribute(s) to retrieve from each agent. Returns: list[Any]: A list with the attribute value for each agent in the set if attr_names is a str list[list[Any]]: A list with a list of attribute values for each agent in the set if attr_names is a list of str Raises: AttributeError if an agent does not have the specified attribute(s) """ if isinstance(attr_names, str): return [getattr(agent, attr_names) for agent in self._agents] else: return [ [getattr(agent, attr_name) for attr_name in attr_names] for agent in self._agents ]
def __getitem__(self, item: int | slice) -> Agent: """ Retrieve an agent or a slice of agents from the AgentSet. Args: item (int | slice): The index or slice for selecting agents. Returns: Agent | list[Agent]: The selected agent or list of agents based on the index or slice provided. """ return list(self._agents.keys())[item]
[docs] def add(self, agent: Agent): """ Add an agent to the AgentSet. Args: agent (Agent): The agent to add to the set. Note: This method is an implementation of the abstract method from MutableSet. """ self._agents[agent] = None
[docs] def discard(self, agent: Agent): """ Remove an agent from the AgentSet if it exists. This method does not raise an error if the agent is not present. Args: agent (Agent): The agent to remove from the set. Note: This method is an implementation of the abstract method from MutableSet. """ with contextlib.suppress(KeyError): del self._agents[agent]
[docs] def remove(self, agent: Agent): """ Remove an agent from the AgentSet. This method raises an error if the agent is not present. Args: agent (Agent): The agent to remove from the set. Note: This method is an implementation of the abstract method from MutableSet. """ del self._agents[agent]
def __getstate__(self): """ Retrieve the state of the AgentSet for serialization. Returns: dict: A dictionary representing the state of the AgentSet. """ return {"agents": list(self._agents.keys()), "model": self.model} def __setstate__(self, state): """ Set the state of the AgentSet during deserialization. Args: state (dict): A dictionary representing the state to restore. """ self.model = state["model"] self._update(state["agents"]) @property def random(self) -> Random: """ Provide access to the model's random number generator. Returns: Random: The random number generator associated with the model. """ return self.model.random
# consider adding for performance reasons # for Sequence: __reversed__, index, and count # for MutableSet clear, pop, remove, __ior__, __iand__, __ixor__, and __isub__