Source code for batchrunner

import itertools
from import Iterable, Mapping
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool
from typing import Any

from import tqdm

from mesa.model import Model

[docs] def batch_run( model_cls: type[Model], parameters: Mapping[str, Any | Iterable[Any]], # We still retain the Optional[int] because users may set it to None (i.e. use all CPUs) number_processes: int | None = 1, iterations: int = 1, data_collection_period: int = -1, max_steps: int = 1000, display_progress: bool = True, ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Batch run a mesa model with a set of parameter values. Parameters ---------- model_cls : Type[Model] The model class to batch-run parameters : Mapping[str, Union[Any, Iterable[Any]]], Dictionary with model parameters over which to run the model. You can either pass single values or iterables. number_processes : int, optional Number of processes used, by default 1. Set this to None if you want to use all CPUs. iterations : int, optional Number of iterations for each parameter combination, by default 1 data_collection_period : int, optional Number of steps after which data gets collected, by default -1 (end of episode) max_steps : int, optional Maximum number of model steps after which the model halts, by default 1000 display_progress : bool, optional Display batch run process, by default True Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] [description] """ runs_list = [] run_id = 0 for iteration in range(iterations): for kwargs in _make_model_kwargs(parameters): runs_list.append((run_id, iteration, kwargs)) run_id += 1 process_func = partial( _model_run_func, model_cls, max_steps=max_steps, data_collection_period=data_collection_period, ) results: list[dict[str, Any]] = [] with tqdm(total=len(runs_list), disable=not display_progress) as pbar: if number_processes == 1: for run in runs_list: data = process_func(run) results.extend(data) pbar.update() else: with Pool(number_processes) as p: for data in p.imap_unordered(process_func, runs_list): results.extend(data) pbar.update() return results
def _make_model_kwargs( parameters: Mapping[str, Any | Iterable[Any]], ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Create model kwargs from parameters dictionary. Parameters ---------- parameters : Mapping[str, Union[Any, Iterable[Any]]] Single or multiple values for each model parameter name Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] A list of all kwargs combinations. """ parameter_list = [] for param, values in parameters.items(): if isinstance(values, str): # The values is a single string, so we shouldn't iterate over it. all_values = [(param, values)] else: try: all_values = [(param, value) for value in values] except TypeError: all_values = [(param, values)] parameter_list.append(all_values) all_kwargs = itertools.product(*parameter_list) kwargs_list = [dict(kwargs) for kwargs in all_kwargs] return kwargs_list def _model_run_func( model_cls: type[Model], run: tuple[int, int, dict[str, Any]], max_steps: int, data_collection_period: int, ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Run a single model run and collect model and agent data. Parameters ---------- model_cls : Type[Model] The model class to batch-run run: Tuple[int, int, Dict[str, Any]] The run id, iteration number, and kwargs for this run max_steps : int Maximum number of model steps after which the model halts, by default 1000 data_collection_period : int Number of steps after which data gets collected Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] Return model_data, agent_data from the reporters """ run_id, iteration, kwargs = run model = model_cls(**kwargs) while model.running and model.schedule.steps <= max_steps: model.step() data = [] steps = list(range(0, model.schedule.steps, data_collection_period)) if not steps or steps[-1] != model.schedule.steps - 1: steps.append(model.schedule.steps - 1) for step in steps: model_data, all_agents_data = _collect_data(model, step) # If there are agent_reporters, then create an entry for each agent if all_agents_data: stepdata = [ { "RunId": run_id, "iteration": iteration, "Step": step, **kwargs, **model_data, **agent_data, } for agent_data in all_agents_data ] # If there is only model data, then create a single entry for the step else: stepdata = [ { "RunId": run_id, "iteration": iteration, "Step": step, **kwargs, **model_data, } ] data.extend(stepdata) return data def _collect_data( model: Model, step: int, ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], list[dict[str, Any]]]: """Collect model and agent data from a model using mesas datacollector.""" dc = model.datacollector model_data = {param: values[step] for param, values in dc.model_vars.items()} all_agents_data = [] raw_agent_data = dc._agent_records.get(step, []) for data in raw_agent_data: agent_dict = {"AgentID": data[1]} agent_dict.update(zip(dc.agent_reporters, data[2:])) all_agents_data.append(agent_dict) return model_data, all_agents_data